Somerset Guardian and Radstock Observer from Radstock, Avon, England (2024)

Frepald Advertisements Educational. WANTED LESSONd in (Palletsa) CO. versativii during taster boudays as. Wanted. ittuations Vacant.

Pariourstaida. Roirassido. Souse and Pariourinaida. Maids. ganorais.

litteliaislabia'. Cizoonis. Footsies. Butlers aod Bia(io. klaiaded Agency.

14. York Strad. Barb. (Stamped saveloys). 14,1.4086 eauilimaki.

minim MIMI ILlodierilf us Dor la Sart tor ladles to tr ia Dor was arali a ttbsd tlir .1.2... S. iii. 'Marro I 1.. Soto red aiga.

are WatetrYlll la Man for fortaalo loot oitaattona. good wages goataatood. al. ware obtalaablo at Romealla ail Yen. Rookiag tea Stoma bless rod gg 24 gy 141 Ev tan gm.

au DeLit laly rooairriodrodasortai dipiaa. Good mix 011L1a. 14 mot td ago, to lases its tailoring trade Wages to tow IMMO M. 6d. per nook.

with rapid W. wad IL. Gook. Ltd. Twortossuravoa.

ANTANTgD oxporirocad GENERAL. able to do plain cookies. tor moan taming la Canada. Paid a ira pr is tama irair 1 to Woman. Noodar.

Som. aid Ila. QUilj foh eWit r. Of good Bodies Lands, lotions and Assistant Sleeve Bands tor class trade. Also and Sons.

Nilson Street, la ti. Dotnestleated HELP rt. ILI glared. faintly three. No children.

No rough work. 6. Tsestod as 0 0 ttage. Bawer Ashton. Clifton.

Bristol. loon GENERAL at Nipable girl would led this very Hasoldens. Bloorsielo ARISTA, wrANT.D young OM. about 14, for kitchen work. Must be quick and strong.

Mil Boum. Both. ccrafarttl klu al. Typwittriters. WANTED experleaced BODICE HANDS.

Fes Inaimney and good wages Accustomed to high class trada-L. Usher. Co urt Dressmaker. Gay Street. Bath.

WANTED thoroughly exparieneed pilaf BODICE BAND. Capable of managing workroom I 1 iseesmary. To livo out. -Apply yes and Norm 44, Wkitoladise Road. Office, Bristol.

MAIMS wanted. age between 14 and Is, to leant W-N the week-eed ease E. Rickardo. Trunk and Case Illalter. 11.

Gatos Passage, Bath. smug PERRON for Boueentald. able to claim room thoroughly. Live le. Could have each weaseled lin.

Davis. ft Bloomfield (larding. Bath. WANTFIO for bialnelises Apartimmt Meuse an experiesced HOURE-PARWURMAID. Must have good Xsyrick Court, Bournemouth.

D. all round LAUNDRY MAIDS wanted at Sir once. goats ago and Warwick Mouse Laundry, Palmer Road, Salisbury. sal RA. Paly two.

Mod, plain RomisPariounaald kept. (622- Free Begistry, 64. Whiteladies Road. clifton. WANTED a DOMENTIC SERVANT for London.

--APO, 23. North Road, Midsotner Nortou. W. by the 10th of April a good GENERAL whore anothor is kept. Age about ILmie.

mania. al, Street, Bath. WANT ED DbiIIiWICITED emu; t. J.ts pas liars arnotrezralauatritzofoartnaCietiNts.ADA.GmdFure.ll li Tucker and lions. Broad on (mentioning this Dam) Quay, Bath.

lialu lr tot of Scotch and Ida.W. Bell and ones Emigration Depart. ls Mud as te prices. Mont. 15.

Broad Street. Bath. a n. Arittaib, broad me Wag on er amid ail kinds 411 11 UOTAL NiXTY --Young mom age II to 25. for and training as Pokers.

Free Good par. front to. lid. to 4. 104.

week --A Xli i INGO. RINGS. for all parnr by letter, to Admiralty sic is, poses. from AO in 2s. kl.

Over 3,110 to Coroaation Avenue. bath. II street: Gnome Irma. New ag escoadhaad. Best cask or 17.

Bath Street. vales in fn. SKr. my Rion, 'i Marsh ll'le Madera). 29.

Stall "Ueda. Passagas from SA for skilled Agriculturiets. Resent experience essential. iinerantined employmeet Us. a week with board ay ANTED OLD PORTRAIVI.

Alio eidllattle Also assisted peauges for Domes (aa and llll 7) 1 aad perig i i 1 1.41.n........ Doi and Agrienhurists to Canada and Australia- a Australian and Amoricaa Agency, to. parli a en Street. Loudon. s.W.

WATCEES and CLOCKIWimr, and Adjeate4 1M WOr i A ll iati i tnet. to rivar our Devon Valle, BLOTTING PAPER IATM TEI CITY 'GRILLE POW 1.1 i almorifents la quire; 16s. ream AUCTION MA 31 RT, 01.DlatiNDSTR=T, -Wood fiM Statisaers. Old Bond Street. eitraNy Fee.

Upboldes Bath. 6 be es i rjw as llealliag ereena i Almds. a am mi erk K1Me 4 W5M1. CAST.OFF OLOTELLNG. Tailors' BMW.

Boom. vales gives by Iliakepeaco. Property. WW nali ai aliblaintlid- i Birmingham Dress aud Black Suits for Sr dais re selected Many Chick's Padding- gala or Bins. Cask per return for wools sent.

time. Tenn of Use Pro Lesdea. i sbon, Lloyds. rowsu. k.

'WASTE NOT, WANT Nair Orsb. isgs made up to aim design as la. pet ROUSE AGENTS ounce. Bert union Bair Switches at Is. kl i er.

-Newport, tosser. dentligate Street.s rilli. 11 1 TO DaATE BARGAINS in Clari's ii 0 au having APASTMENTS aid windows mud assure some of ji. lons pounds by baring your Apartments mark. StaU Street, Both.

empty, whoa for la. (or three weeks. 2..) you can bays 10-word Advertisemeot lo Mx Sub- 11.11ARCII sad Walrond. Newspapers circulating in districts whisk lea Mouse Ages Abbey' asseasard, for mesa year scads thousands of Visitors to Bath. mealars of all renkleama hams.

of papers -Ley too. Leytonstone. am maastaad. Woodford. and Gans tn i es er pr i rt Bailor Park and Ilford Expreva and lndependeat.

-Address. Publisher. floirlisndinst Luton Mad for is. 11. and dole, IBMs stone Loudon.

11.1. sup Street. Wsdh. WIMTON, Beiton Meuse" iss. A A.

ILAnw ELL AM. 277114 GoikT. Path. far 11,) iliood). 'roar' rooma.

Sloping lowa. yr Chinas: Pieces. Me. Shrubbery. Pleasant.

healthy, high. dry. Terme WMTIRE WIW NiN I irro LW -Keys Hampton Park, Bristol. WW 4.. eds in stock.

AU widths 1411 N. pee asiois liTaila lbeit stock is. for 50 yards. Barbed Wire On Fordo for 11. Stegall sail part'.

Th. Greve.7 trams. mob open. healthy-Rays lamp- 0777 hit lath xi: Park. Bristol.

la it der lrr sta a lh 41.1: a gAel and The lIMOIA. rowed archway). Pleasant view. Lmel hitches, -goys 76. Massfiton Road.

BrantoL dor, 6.1.1 161 3. 1. A lt a rh fre al ductir re 4 01 1 rial tho a res i a il m. gu Yard and 71. Barsidoe Park.

Imil lim Malialid. Bristol. A E. PEMMAN, BMW and Amounts CollesterL ike Sethi IfieNlllo. TIIIIOHIAT--Se let Cottage and Oar.

i.iit. laigairy New Street, Mo. Rent to. WI per to Mt. John Melhulsh.

31, Mllton Amon'. Weuswar. Bath. ilatb. 1M 11 4 1" 11 941 ibro i a 11 0 4 il.

rr i 3. l.lTri la" Casting. Sigh tor Imp sea abundeot of rood Hart ortt. Sian A 077 IDNlatil.f i 7o Ramos ohm of fir. John Nelitnish, IL mor Milton Ci iell.ssity.

Rath. tr. I.CT 5. 3111.Eirs ftrit.DINIIII. nuitable ft TRH-MT.

Iron Gland PIANO. fall triehord, i oldoon or private re.idence. Good IL? elio 4111 6 1 7 1 lor- Gooll broth. Sr. Bechbai, Decorator.

Palace rard. 1 .1 .1. .090 13 CniegiSi tartlets Bulb. of of the ASNISA A 11)141N011. Pll.soB.—Fros GI upwards.

Now 11. hos Promo Piano' Iron £l5; Cosi or Ihro system. Me Cluarost Mosso la Somme 13, Old bowl duvet sal 9. Trim Street, LULA TUTU bu' uilst as, ftsuiftea; id. givii tor 'soy platman 'Assad tooth an vsksofte; 4.

ea st i ft. es raid; ft. on platinum. strictly Lissadlau saga Ilaaaare. pans.

Calm 69a. Mario Streak chador. .1141.11 i POLlollia parabolise. iteversions Mate eigieeted men estates kommatenta ano game allenia rem raseMean 447 I bargains in slightly used Lean Flamm. Yam be cleared to nuke room tor new mock for further particulars sea our larger advertisement in cad' or instalments.

10e. 64. ger Ben and pmber's, Piano Warervons. Bridge. Batl Laght gyms Whir; Rubber Tyrol ki Governess Car; Ginn-iniseled Of.

Wagon. Also wend Coadibitilder. Ak Street. Mtn. riga a IMO Let.

isi ev i e. id all To Ilto Lot. lOWZIJ 4 To 1150 Lot 111. 11 d. Bast and Illodern.

aendilittatthed RasMonte. with low garden. Oontaine wide entrance ball, three lofty ramption rooms. aye convaniant badroonta, capital 'molten. china pantry, etc.

Sant AU. LaYa nest T. hand, Marking Placa, Chi ppe ham. ONNY. eight -roots HOUSE.

No basement. SZS Two gamuts. lent Lii. Fittings throughout. Near Mr.

WiSway. I. Maloof Bath. Holiday Apartments. WET FORGET THE OLD FIRM fogaraitaro.

2-1 Baby Carriages sad cy ti wed Goa. 1.3. Klagisaaad 148 TX razz. To Bo Sold. THE GUARDIAN, FRIDAY RIGHT-OF-WAY DISPUTE.

SOMERzET RECTORS CLLIM AGLOW'S YARMER. Judge Lindley gave judgment on Tuesday ia the lot Land dismeat, which occupied hie saestio at Taunton County Court for two entire day, last month. The plaintiffs Mrs. It-nor Boakey, an elderly widow. ecoupying one of two cottager.

known as Broth eotteges. at Toasted, and Bra Margaret Loath. wife of the Rev. William Lucas, the wealthy rector of ToilantL Mrs. Lucas is the owner of Brook cottages.

The defendant was Mr. William occupier of the Manor Farm. Tolland. and the owner of Rock Farm, In pariah, and between him and the family theme hail been great friction for a num of yeas. The pLaintiffa alleged that the demodant had trespassed on a strip of land adjacent to Mrs.

Bosley's cottage, and that he had used for vehicular and cattle traffic path it was contended, welt a church path, itreat for pedestrian traffic only. The plaintiffs i claimed 40a damages sod an njunctia elch tsre were two actions, but they were tried His Honour, in giving i gvat, said had given the matter end had since the hea of the ll :2 ll the spot. The learned udge then reviewed tlt eases at cionadderable ength, and held that the piece of land adjacent to die whew of Mrs. Bosley was not occupied by her or ether tenants as tenants, and that it was not in. eluded in the conveyanth to Mrs.

Lucas. If It did not belong to Mu. Luau it must belong to Mr. Bruford as owner of Roth or to the lords of the manor as censers of Manor Farm. Judgment would therefore be giver for the defendant with eosin With regard to the path he had come to the that it had been used for aviculture! traffic during the vt'hole partied covered hy the rok.ence, but that peat deal of the teathe had gone up the mad which was emened by the stream.

He was of opinion that the difference between the amount of trie had up the path and up the sham by the road was due to convenience, and net to I right. The defendant had, at alu ete i the path for so many pears for ll I purposes that be had acquired a Tglias do" an. He She Judge) 'Rome however. Mk MT. in the intimate of psogde wins the peel for going to church, not mese uss of the path then be could hart Nth cultural purposes, and be hoped de this in the intereuts of the cotteesee elan Then would be judgment for the defendaot in the action and in the connter4laink with coats.

OWL Exemistox, The G.W.k. announce a day to Cotwill March 3L The train leaves Bath at, Swindon at ILIL Should the no demi as Makin will be 14 4 lil a MARCH ReEIIMEEINIMMC 21 913. EMT SOMERSET I DISTiICT IMIOCR-OUT CUP. Sesl4ll4.l.—Rophrsd Th 11 NW a seamen.nows cuP-Akal. oa.a 1 AS Wells 01111611.1100 OM in 4 MOE MISR LEASUL OIvNIL owe OM 1 II WILTSHIRE SENIOR SUP.

Ssal-FlalL erm 4 At Deviass. WILTSHIRE :02110 591111111 4WD OE IMP 4ED EDE I 111 4ED gm Amailisa mmi se 041 Is i fasia. Valise am 1 ar arafted To Z. was MINN IL Oldienisal Wilin7 DEVIZES LEASUE Devils issolary 1 Wed 1411111121! 2 FtIENDLIES. 4., 1 111 ea 1 Bilk Nab.

I Paissiowa 5 Aswan for Hovey 411), Mai and Filer. SOU'rIIERN LEAGUE. SWINDON TOWN V. MILLWALL ATIILNTIC. Played at Swindon Were 5,000 psopio In Site Neither club was able to mad tell teem.

Planing and Walker belmg absent from Om home side, and the ltillwaU leeward line being abort of Davis and Dilley. et Winning the Swindon had strong wind behind Nam the oPenint i hall. and almost the play. illwall in mak like Skillet having Is as full length to taws 11621- but- after this initial buret the bone side eensinsnded situation. Their forwent, Imo Vat fleshing and enterprising, but the wind lb.

the ball to play aes of Woks, shooting was not doglig. TwonlY had when tee had, some deligottul play Natty sad JeSenon cm dm right wing provided Wheeteseft with an and although be was ad in shooting, be cleverly hooked tbe bell nst of Bpsndift's right 11104 don sontintied to.dogicactically all the and forted several corners, from one of. whir 10 minutes before half-time Wilson Mined the ball into his own oat Skillet was practically a spectator during this half. Half-tinie int In the mend half, with die bosom at deft beaks. Millwall were a diSerest bieg forwards sem badly in want of a sod meet of Wait work was iuunetheilicid.

Tbitilack. 14 Annittarg mely 1 I ati se gi that si I masly. WM Twenty minuses the reetle Cgsgniseit vim going through when Lockhead lossight him down in the penalty atm and with lis enteeme punishment inflicted Wilson redacted Me load. There was vet i aright on Om poet et 11.111mtLe get. but Swindon held cid, to their and in the closing afiame" game were munistakmhty Um better skis.

Spencliff did several smart things and Swindon vsinly elaimed for a penalty kiek whim Batik was brought down elms to the post. The gnat aeon Swindon Itillwall LEAGUE TABLES, 111.1 LLCMS-DIV. 1. aselasho 4 makto4. Plyd.

W. I. D. Fes lam.Pls vi 4 seps slow ma EAST MOW akaltrass Ilfadlab ININIMWS lUKT. SOIMISET LEAGUE Wasakmise nOMOPiWW irgio lasvien GOOD PRIDAT, March 2 1.

£MIOCIAIIOII. Barapley IMAM City, 110011111111 MAME. Bristol Rovers v. Crystal bwiadon V. Ilerthyr Town.

WESTERN LIII4IIIII. Rath Cit. v. Cardin City Ras. Welton v.

Pessedown. Wetiteepeoperldsre v. Clevedon. Weymouth v. Poulton Rovers.

WILTS I. Bradford v. Trowbridge. BATH AND DISTRICT U. (Foe PORTMAT Cue.) Chippeabom Rovers lee.

CREW VALLZY 11AGVI. Walton Arsenal v. antics. Siam) V. tlinabury.

SATURDAY, Ruch ft. ASSOCIATION. 204141111 IL Sawvirreal T. Bristol City. SOUTRICIII LRLOUR.

Rovers T. Swindon. Bony Disiviot v. Clovedon v. CapRIRINS, Ras.

Welton Rovers v. -MOW Rovers Iwo. 'MUTT Benham v. Bath City. BONERSIT DIVISION.

Tiowbsidas v. Warminster. Yeovil v. frame. DIVISION IL V.

Poulton. NORTH FiONARSZT Rao. v. Relicts Res. v.

Gutsiest. v. Res. IRONS MINOR Wiliblington v. CoWord.

Cliadown Rea. v. Weetttiold. MIS AND DISTRICT Oros Taw Sara Hasai.o" Cuss. Possedown Res.

v. Trowbridge Res. bah City v. Rath Rovers. DIVISION IL Sosnuar ktworth v.

Odd Down. Old! laid Park Baptista v. Chippenham Boma. WILTS I. lliaikabasa v.

3rd Wilts Ike; lialisbury Chippenhdm. vs Bradford. TNIDWIIRIDGII AND DISTRICT 1. nee. Devi see Libeeele.

Leigh hsetitute v. Marsh ratteiL. SONIRSET ASSOCIATION GOSSIP. Z. Catsfoross' tleetriary Somerset County AnaociaLou).

F0041 4gel Adios ClidiOrAtide ii is i 1 ii is Ts 111 .61 sls it I 5 4 3 4 rO IS 11 3 43 3434 div. 04,121 a 11t3724 34 mi 14 1 6 51 34 34 an. or 33 II i i 1 0 i i 1 1 6 3 2 341.312 5 51 54 31 A. 21 11 a II 46 31 30 13 13 4 31 41 a VU. a 11 1.3 a 37 to Um, a 10 14 7 40 SO 17 IF 1 11 44 a 10 13 6 10 56 16 5 a 10 1 23 7 11 33 56 A.

a 3 a 1 10 66 15 0440 County 20 6 I 6 If 41 15 Avr 'IL Mt a IDIVZIIOI Gab W. Lt. Yes 3611.293 IS 3 41 12 43 7 iaa 24 11 a. 47 31 34 5 5 41 a 33 9 7 a a 33 a '8 44 a a sua SU AM 7 51 52 to a 44 129 vonnuts 4 41 11. 19 a 27 IP: L' 911 5311 3331 4 44 33 11 34 8.7 7 a :1113 23 ,11 Pans isetaix siiiiii.

74 i I 'Ts a 31 ip. II a y.M ID I. IS 3136 II 3: 2 2 5 .1. 0 37 16 I 1 2 2 1 43 35 31 7, 31 I 3 7 37. 15 6 36 37 111 A 2 45 is 2.

a 44 "1 ii 131I 31 I 1 I' ll 5 41 1 3 1 1-. 1g 5 5 SO II Tows Oliy P. IL Ares City sad II Uri 1. mition. lIITERNATIONAL .1 1 1Z12 11.

4r AI arfatial. boa Thi es 11 se 1 1 g. to: 11 4 /w.f.; "lb wr STREET'S SUCCESS. Saturday amening. During the present Beeson Street hay her rather thconeutent, and their fora has her to tree who rarer rn elte env they won at with i wl lb i a i l4 misten hci i bciu th td oirl ibuia in the rmsda l7l.l.

Saturday win their crier -Cup simit-Anal replay at Marred after having failed at best the West Somerset men at home the poorer week. Farhat form is very nnraliaale sad elwa gets the critic into a tangle. Hones a little Street win at Pereilown by 1-41. where 'Loehr(' er beeten FA. by what errs ebeeid Street beat Misread, as Streetttta (Walton Mat Street 10-0, but lose at Iftre what should be the score when Start visit Minered 1 Fortunately the "rule of thumb" principle does not hold good in far ball, or the game would fast lows lie inareet.

After being a goal down A Ifinebead Saturday, as half-time. Street won by 2-1. and will therefore Welton Rovers in the Anal on Freer onday. When Street last In the anal in and beat Prilen a I-A a record crow reenthied, and it la peo. brie another record will be eat upllllll-Iran if the weather is Ens TO terthrb lo I sneationed in tldi thee in a trice lawns one at As tams had Abe waistlines et 12 pierce the allimies knowledge.

and a prefer by the peeing club was upheld. It now appears rather ripening took place in another dia. risk and ay remarks on the one ire Isase lien tarn by rase to refer to the direr mask of which I had no knowledge. In err readers write ins that I haws se ise Ilw fare. They will now undeselead Ihe I bar not retorted to the Irk illy to make this explanation, bet she ft Seely to sore queerer winch are pa be Int agairdiag the peat L.

amnia. Ipolo writes: "Whet word 'be pumper aeons to take if after a vine err es a soiree found that one side erre 1" writes: "rtri elie were not name than. eleven pryer actually playing for Wile at any period of the game, Is there an uittrnt of lam ir. i deal with "Doubtful's" Law 1 re: "The gene should be played by eleven player. on era the metre nark theeght este might be for thinking that so was us waribse et on a side dna ant during actual paw mod no an could be taloa Its the substitution of for or who ray have to rrire or any Mrs err.

Sr rosedialler ore erne is adagead. the law Is bathes. to Wpteefers would thee Ikea pl 4 ems aide Ihe kw is not psi. ar es it le. red in frindlir Is net always It li.klY.

in the v. Raise At a year Es two beck, a WM.b player was bolt sad had to neigh ant Mir eow selleatu the English cletuilk Vivian Woodward. allowed a substitute to a ll Zzesacy. Pei ase ease: hears of such a talus in cup Or league match, eat it DO be seastiosed. 11 wadi apes Ise wide deer.

We should dad Ow warbee el Wend (1) would niidft bessesise if it a pewees to allow swase ea sabo E. one's place. IL" mitts emotion wey similar 16 on. which Ii often asked e.atesat uniminathesis. ard many are not awake toreallee that the sle 1101 MB them "What visithl you ntler 15 play you 12e te adds in 1" the candidate le The rod is "Order ono ned Mr oser-red the roe may 4111012.

tin Wag While anal the melody "pelverised The real pities 4 1 1 eiresalwar legitimates the aselrant voill be ins wi i Ir a qt a ileV ais ii doe est 4 'spell act allow mate So itemeees with is en ago -aide." livA 6 'A. ash, iiri oradiso. sod annteradieveer to pi wren If selsetill swed a side le esemeems Pitt 4 atria PUY- Kam sgi ewer ha AO eltelale 11se basitiesa ti ts tar awl 4110 tai tip su ll Wish Tbe'llias while elik rased es pet similir- of tha was asaids -oat a lakase sbadd fick ao slag as to Sod himself in ark a 1 ft. i tE 4 not sp also dolosiod Ilbs illovers bins Robes t. who 44 I St Wanwiek's balaistabl.

as se Amigo cosetkok tbee nisill iiii siirt was in River 171 DLL int Cbei, Said. A TlLlPr i f-Yareb IlLtt 1, liffoymoutl, Snow RA Wakes. AOloilli the go vi oi lehn isone bu: 3. 40 imp Mimi seuivi th is die Parish Yr Coo Oa! JOTTINGS. by ita: PIN Lawns Cieseeles es lagiarage Winr ly tea Aim iiii was a 4 i iwiair Mits ortrlS a ahl2 .4.40,01 sad Woman 11 ON No.

IS. Neelhr ream um i a ei, egelletela la aposimis Ibe 1 n. tik Itai ACTION. SIIBULT. TUE The libel action at the inetanoe of Mr.

a ben Samuel and Isaacs gaiter e. 4 Breach Journal Nein, was heard in Eing's Bench Division an eir Edward Casson. lor the plaintiffs, trait ubliehed in the Main in February. corruption math. part of them Emir.

lino a arrangement ipany to let Iheina have a Govens4; as a result had made Ot r- ited shires of the had apologised. The plaintiffs x4 4 tbo apology. with and waked only because the article rent to merely aa goesip without malice. That would not have been followed if the piper I A been. aa English one, deliberately ati a i members of the Government PA-cry liana in the libel was untrue said 'first was that the idea of the contract mil 'aced with the Postataster-Genersl, whereat fore the matter ever nubs Wore him, coming -teas bad distinctly recommende4 l'a contract.

Both plaintiffs went into the witness Loa sat denied the charges. Mr. Samuel said he never had any shares or connection with Companies. Sir Rufus Isaas HA .11 ad no conneetion with the Mar, bet had booght shares after ig eastract was let, in the -American M.te.% Oseepany, which was not financially the British Company. Of these he to r.

Lloyd Geor and 1,000 1,, Milbank. Be himself had lost -I. go a the commotion, and .1 MINIM a law hundreds each. Mr. Cbell.

for the deUndants, masrmilffp withdrew the imputations, Abe alishillsW aim for publication, an ff of lid hl thl le a ra entered with full indenuA 11101e5 do plaintiffs. Mr. Justice Devil said be retralase tram comment only bevim the plaintiffs weft to give evidence heron' Cl ttie Rouse of Coartaria WILTS ARTS AND CRAFTS. lOTH ANNUAL RIEBLIIITION AT MARL BOROUGH. The 10th animal of tha Wilt, A 1 and Crafts disseciatwn opened at Marlh Tuesday is one of the most sense.

Them are nearly 1.500 exhibits divss i IS sections. One of the ores interests' the textile section, in which is shown liana Fine mid Mod woven web from ctonehense Voa Industry, idttch provides home saipioymew ys of old wonnsi. the bream age fax' in a barrow near Marlborough. and excavated MS, dee probable date of these esslthiti be ri given Ina 1100 B.C. while a striking contrast c.

perfeet modal of an aeroplane lady it. Cyte'. challenge cup was secured by Miss limey. el llighmeth. Lansdowne was to hare opened the ti hibition, but a telegram expel.

her mem that the serious illness of her Lady Winterton. necessitated her immediate cc. opened a London. The exhibition was by the Mayoress of SINGULAR DROWNING ACCIDENT. While a lad named Thank Newman Mani a ceit.

the pesperty of Messrs. B. ..11.1 Pimeadia. beavinee, loading. tn the Arm en fieneriar the animal took fright.

and. ai ing wail which divides the brewery hem the river leaflet, tell into th Newman was drowned, in spite of a piurt tempt at ramie which made by Terser. who dived Into the river from the ohs window. srii4 8Jis ale" ottid will Mao ea 1 elowes tor sisitAby bars sitiossaasinsid. dssinid.

or I the Iseesoi is et dela 1.3. at Ilk week tri pee Wesson. Bash, the wife of Charles He Pus Way. L. elmeghter.

ilk at NBockhtuspto: Oldeold Balk obit we cd H. P. 1.1 10.11 daughter. the lath at Sedalia. Inglialacnnabe Bash.

so At. sad Mn. 11 Alia son. 'is: at ii ier 4 4 this wile et I. F.

Cielt Id. a LAILVLIiOTOILLYarch 111, at 14 0 Nen burr0n443166. 111.40 A. Lavingtoo. a mon.

311. WIN, Lan.6.10.. it. Bath, sin Iz. or F.

C. F. tut, 6 M4PTAG 130.11. at St. 'Murat, by C.

X. Dondory, by Nov. it. 'Utley brother of the Depts. 'N.

soak pear. ascend ma et Mr. 1. redenek Jaw. or to Beatrice Dorothy.

yo.jn... of II; kletlerick Jah.ey. hushes. itpth 447. SIiZiPARD 13, at 1194eombe Church.

by the let. D. Wiiliam Pamela able', to Ethel May, eitiet daughter GI James Baiter. both of Beth. BISSZT: G1A1141 13, at Hoy tlt ioos Trbenr re.

tAineela, by the Fenton be. ems. third sou of the lass J. P. Bisset of fflassighail, Wynndsuk BaiseisrL JOAN YVIININA el G.

P. Urabosk Indian Army. TENNEAAs IS. st Ix 13 Chords. by the Zst.

H. 1 3 rrtlitir to Xabt Az-4 daugbusr of Dillou, Bei Bristol. WOOD: 3 t. Marls Chuottt. Moir: Poreival Wood, 0.

Sq mouth, to Dando a Bad. DZATZL ix at liorthroas. road, Batlk gm Aldoue Lime, II formerly vicar of Landridee, Woreaao seed 71. 14, at Newlyn East wfl Bdward lees Polecat. Wesleyan lat.

at Bedstoek and Clinton. 141, the Penitentiary I de: eneith. widow. atom, Bath. Ann Stevens, the wig Zobeet aged 72.

st St Luke'', William (Dick, the babowd I ra lament and Zdith Burubeal. aged 5 15. at Green. Looksbr reed. Wagon, Rath, ft.

Ladd. only isic Samuel Ladd, aged 7 IL at Rath, Na widow et Charles Zachary Racautay, amid g. CARTEL --Oa Marah 14 very Marlborough Mith, Capes's ars LW Seth libt I ortax runieral sumo at Abbey, A6 SCOPOPIL IS. at Rock road, Ke. sham.

Jams Godfrey. aged U. Maiieh lath, after a illnask at the residence of his daughter. IL oaddosi. Joseph Gespooter, late of SL 17th.

at 11, the widow et the James Pauli. 4 4 110. No Bowers by her special request 17, at Crowootabe, ilarf Philippa Ceprir widow of CoL Carew, lit K. Salbaraeli and daus Lue lurWQll Arson. of In" Mordeedshin.

Is, Reilly, a ife Alfred is, rad, Bath, VA 7S. of L4IIIS who 1 into mad VAL bowing of my dear who fell nn Mar 111111111 Nd by her loving lows gest se moans. al Taii: Ilissooo Company rontract. AAA as 4 ,11 ingined kid miaow' MIL Sadly 111311. llk 41 11 1 -feta.

1 1 7 1, soli ar- ant ritriscanris Boa Seam Bewares. ae. Be mi elm a Ls es Wang lamas's, atm se vsesat. VAIMUIPOM Kolas, Mscsas but as wad 11.10CKLA11110•11 Wain are fancied as the followlia Chair" la THE BATH HERALD Wady add Makin. THE EORTH WILTS GUAIiDIAI aruolabed I.lmyytaliam Womb.

THE SOIERSET GUARDIAN Auu) Releases liessurk i In dams ier 6l 2 aaab i ik aVir ee 7 er aa di rspers AttsalL sI 1 I I -Wain" dim mmzem ds tom sat Sbair et le wade me se ses radaitaca in Datil JO 17, herald taco, Seib. WANTISD at tuns of bborth-aad, Typewriting, daortaaad kteuiverartlY). Wale lowan AL 4 lacuna 4,11 MILK! BILE! Mail-Churn. free and returned speriailY liroionllY- No IN" sequiroci segos at bums hohasy or any other Uwe Immediate payment. Ins oaginators of Lie country mita and largest uuyero in will slioiruy liaye for Soon loamy Punts) Cowpony., Knot, Amnion. ts. MILE. and tiotils Dairy Company. can always entertain oilers of reliable attiring of well-cooled Milk.

Full supply of brass-platted churns provided. Bankers' set erenre. or write full "particulars of quantities, neareet station, to the Secretary of the Conllftnr. Chief pain' Sod oMces. ktipa Avenue.

Loudon, W. BILK! I Groat Western Metropolitan Dairies. are Pow open Li good dairies of welt cooled milk do; Wired London by any or call. William Price. Managing Director.

9. Barrow )toad, Paddington 'Close to Edgware Station). oldest fini of .191 Wholesale Milk Contractors in London, Pryce and Berrie (established 1110 and now buying good dairies of well-cooled milk for the ennuine month'. Payments fortnightly. Quick return of empties a speciality.

Bankers: tertro. Coutto And 441, Strand. -Applv. stating full particulars of dairy, to Puce and Barris. lialf Moon Crescent.

Islington. it Situations Wanted. 17. diniingaged. Fogr years' character.

Honse-Parionnesid. 15, expert. acrid. Three yearn character. Will separate.

took, Houre.Pariournanid.--Willingtou Cottage. Gower Clifton. Briatei. 171131ENDSor tilterilitet as COOKAIENERAL and ROUSE-PARLOUS-MAID. Good wages.

Convenient bowie. Papally two. Frse Aisne). 6, Whiteladles' Road, Clifton. Pltuation by snperlanced Groundsman and Coach.

Club or 'Axial. Apply, in Stet instance to F. W. Stancontb Ilayanscroft, Trowbrldan, Wiltsbtre. 'WORKING GA FR soaks Bls-MfGAGE.

VT MINT. Slagle-handed, or whore two kept. Exparlenced In herbaceous and hardy plants, and fruit 22. 'Jerald Clilkss, Bath. 'IONE PROM Duke street.

Bath. Board-Iteeidence, with ovary home comfort. bathroom. Piano and terms apply tbe Proprietress. Mrs.

Ili GI Harding. I YNCOSUIR. decorated Bora 1 2 0, rbellibOOd Six rooms sad lerY. met and roar. rent gas.

Month ly. Inge. Bath 11141 AVENUE. (Mead rah. Three Red-67 room', two witting-rooms.

itches, two W.c.W. CIS 1 2. Davis, 23, First Bilk. TO LET eiz-roomed HOURFAI, Bath district. Reotals 6P.

to Is. 64.. including rates and Agencies. Greets dtreet and Bath. 4.1 OftOk STREET.

newly -decorated nuome. Lavatory end water yam. Green Street. and Bath. AVENUE.

Is detached. Two reeeptios. three bedrooms. bath ill and cd scullery. kitchen and usual OEM Immediate F.

Kirkham. IS, Road, Isthwiel. Bath. or Principal et the best HOUR t3 ID Baby Place. with paglen and garage in the rear.

Owner leaving further particulars apply Powelfs. Ltd Old Bond Bath. CIOOD COTTAGE. Avondale Road. Five room, 8 scullery.

ate. Om and water. Close to Liao Works. Locksbrook Road. Bath.

EMI-DETACHED. Furaished containtOi ing moven rooms, Us. weekly. Lame garden. healthy situation.

Walkway district. Address 11. Herald Mee. Rath. Ilre BE LET, with immediate possession, convent- I.

ant corner SHOP and DWELLING HOUSE, in busy neighbourhood. Sultabla for hairdresser and tobacconivt Beery Mortimer. gud Fvtate Agent. Rath. 14 OAR STREET.

Lower Bristol Road. Con-1. ventent. Ilive-roomed Moore. Rent In.

3d. lneinsirtc--Apply Henry Mortimer. Howe and Estate Agent. Bath. 98 TILRAKELOE." Lower Oldield Park or part).

.125 Eight rooms. Gardens. Hood lodger would remain. Would W. Withors.

129, Wells Road. Bath. To LET 47. Rociamar: ROAD. AL valiance.

Good garden. Rent 19 guineas. 'Moo Stable and Coach-hones. Rent MI. Central.

--Apply A. Ramsey, Bath. Telephone Isl. STABLE and or Garage, with 1.. water.

Central. Rant Alen centrally situated. Out whole or part. Workshops and Yard; 107 ft. by Slift.

Admirably adapted for motor-ear corineer's. carpenter's or house decorator's and Son, 38. Broad Street, Rath. SEVER-11100MED MOUIPIN. with large garden: Pleasantly satiated in a Maltby quarter of the 20.

Neynionr Road. Bath. rro RE LET OR SOLD, No. 6. TRIANOLE A VILLAS, OldAeld Park.

Semi-detached. Six rns. Mohr. bran. Garden.

Apply 33. Triangle, Rath. A PRETT7 LITTLE BOISE. on high with line views. Six rooms and bathroom.

immediate Rent £23. Apply Star. giant and Anctioneers anti Valuers. Bath. AsTeCE i A ND at Lower A pply Adam, Thrive and Sheldon.

4. Queen Square. Bath. Apartments, three rooms. one eitting-room.

Near sex. trams. station. Terms 104. Nevi Mad Reed.

Boseembe. "EIOR SALE day old CHICKS. Farerell, and Or. from 7s. Gd.

ding Norton Manor Intensive Poultry Farm. Weenier Nortom COE of the bait ROUSES in Baby Place. with garden and garage In rear. Owner leaving For further apply Ltd Old Bend Street. Bath.

'VOA SALE SITTINGS OP EGOS from Indian Brown But Orpington'. Table Crosses. Also a few Oookerole 1.1 with for reply, Miso Hamilton. Bannerilown Hoge. Ilatbeaston.

Bath. 10011 QUICK SALE. Iferoomed HOME and BEM in aostabseth Ei gsalleVl LAIL Greet it. staida Bath. li nd ar ic eisa Chicken for irat wry.

Bath. wor ing. A PEASEDOWN, a good, egen-roomed COTTAGE and large garden, with building riot adjoining. Freehold. Roasouable W.

Bartlett. POMIII4OWiI. ETPIIWRITING and DUPLICATING A at micauUs. la Typewriting. Mies Tucker.

Bread Street Channbere buts. 117 O. DIOICINSON, JoaoUse sad Silversmith. VV It Now bond Street. Bath.

glves highest prism la Cask or Exchange for Oki Gold and tither, Antique Silver Plate Old SW- Mid Plated lboode. 0111 Palm Teeth. Iflaiotures. Paste Goods, awl hatless, of sway demmeion. Sustain Established 60 Now Solid direst, Bath.

Maly Address). A NTI a 1 3111 NA or OLASS Bougbt for cask was Dobbs, Ltd. The Pottery 0 lerles. Street. Seta.

SI our Art Cane PUtill CART. UM id.i with 01 hood sompletc, Us. Watemos, laskst clad Hamper llaaatacturer, St. Street. Bath.

iLlph High-Clan REPAIRS to Watobes. Cloche, 'it moderato Hurst- Rana and boas. Certalcauld Watch sad Oak Waken. is, Uaioa Street. Both.

ANTED imalecimily eseued-baed PIANOS or VV my Hmt pros gives mob. ci gochaege. Deal Mom with us sod Miami boom lied Yid Woad Street. Bath. Muslims Specials.

T. Zooms mud lb ses bir ebilM York Wok aail 'Moue QIZOONDILAND. solid Wither PORTMANTEAU; 30s IS6 13. with block wormers and 1611- me strap. bargain, 371.

6d. Alio owe 30 13 14; H. Smith. onitaita Abbey, Bath. IMPUmLANT TO MW ci gin valuer the health and camalinem a should um Harrison's li liable Nursery Om.

application kills all its sad amnia. hes and strengthens the DIM Postage llskrrkice. Deadacg. eold by Obasalets. Agana, hi Drug 11.

Chstearlarw irea li for Kalbtr.l: Cietwoot. muter Norma and Tacitarns W. A ist Chemist NVALL PAPERM frogs led rz i ll. Any qoaatity. large or ammiL Stock exceed.

500.0110 rolls. All i rer patteror. stating alms required star lieriblat Wallpaper Knott Kill. Untie pima "01P" Iteep loss hen WM. 1 Gramm Sta.

Grow fast. Patten gepai Badsteelit fesdantaa. QIIALLOTD. id. Dread Deaas frets id.

plat; Pees from id. pint; Chick Peed. led. DA-- Melt and Co. "Meet Street.

Bath. 11:1011. SOO Omen Dane. Jr a mad free from preservative and chemicals. Ground fresh Own Street, lath.

VIOLINI Itaadotinem. aad every Nadal et iastrameada Ireat 51. Mr IN guieeit ia House for etriaga 4. Bridge Street, Bath. A TlOarte.

war teat Ja.o aizi, Welk and MANILLA WACi ti aLutsi; a. 15 11 sad 45 Nada si Dadleld arid Bon. N. Street. 7a7011.1 a ONIVFXI New Salad Weak Bataasecadband plena Nei ear aid.

at 511gerAt below 0,511511 Irl. aridwbel Siberian A sad i 4l 11 gold. la; I yea quality. £4 carat gad. Al la ed.

Brooch, 15 carat geld 122. Ns. Also several cbarag Peadaata Scarf Pius. eta. GI4EOONDHAND Solid Silver Teapot.

baw weight. SA Silver A Set, £4 large Solid Silver £7 It's. Solid Silver Spirit Kettle. Stead. and Leap, At Di; ntessive.

Solid Silver Tea Ura sad Stand. £l6 Pair Real Ivory Handle Pe flereera, Oa Solid Silver Teaspoons. from Its. don; Silver Dessert Spoons. from UsIM Silver Table Spoons, front 160.

Peri Delld Dessert Forks. from 37e. lid. ball uos Table Forks, front 675. Ati.

half doe. Also i it quantity of pairs. threes and at Tex. and Others, Now Stmt. 'rue AND for Cycle Tyres of all beet makes.

Boehm. CensisriZt ro seer. Clipper. Jo lla ull. its.

Tr, the Beaton 'Pericles" Bisplacemeat Cover. 65. fit few clearance covers. wired or beaded. 112.

each. Air Tubes from 2s. 6d. Butebineen and Avon Motor Cycle Tyree la stock. Get oar Pieta and sundries at lowest eimagetithe prime.

-9. Southgate Street. Bath. 11 4 sfis UDEN OP TRE WEST end "1630113" CYCLES have LS years rePlitallea. It from £3 16s.

cash. or may terma erat bargains in seooadhand lady's and geaPe Tbe cheapest house for acemataiss and sundries. The old-established and Co. 9. Southgate Street.

Bath. RF.MtEIt are sole agents for Ibis. well known elm. inspection invited. Cash or easy elf and 9.

Southgale Ftreet. lath. EXAM ELLIN Ed stove enamelled from in 6d. overhauliag. llscemorles.

tyre eevers ik Waloot guest, 113 k. 763. and Motor 1907 leutralm. 4 sad Motor and Cy Aerate. 12.

George attest. lota. 191 Free engine. 2 s. b.a ir Is sps and tr eilli tor aad ral Ajsats 1 1 1.

addrall direst. IGO-1 910 RasA roritilee" 711.4 Motor amid Cycle Assets. IS. George (Streak Balk 1909- TElUr ss i i Free zgle habit Lir sag Cyst. 1 1 agrisk 101 Oil.

I. Free lavas Etc lust Large Lucas bump. Horn. spars belt sad aemeneries. Corapiete are and Id.

Street. lath. NIV ARS AND to the ALMp asposlatioa sad Motor 17alem We Is and Aceseneries kir NNW. Georati Street. Bath.

ECONDHAND MOTOR two 'pod, free miles sal; 34 litadhlyy. two 'peed. Preeieloa Tromp. 61S al Triumph. free engine.

A4S. Illotommoebe, AIM; 20 Twin 31 114. A. two speed. St Cane bidecar.

AS; fr4e elegise. AN; Multi, and Webs Agent. Fountain Buildings. Bath. 913 dustman.

Dolga ELLA, Member, Rover. Con usNa Ler kak it. and 1. HUNDERVITS CAL twit cylinder. 14 by Is.

three speedo sad monk live two. seater body, scuttle dash. coach Welt, wire wheels. Dunlop tyres. Complete with hood.

screen, lora. head Debts and tail lamp. AIM In Fountain Butldtas. lath. 137LADDCEr8 Talon uric.

sole agent for ths Bradbury Motor Cycles aad lid. Cars. Tyre Cavern. Tubes and Accemoriea IVIDTO a A h.p. twin cylinder.

two speed. free engine model. Yotoeseotshe. Ig iiebtweight minas, five en. gam.

Will climb any kW. Ls em Trials ortolan and goy id. ds tM Street. Math. "Ell UWE MULTI and scomeorlse for sale.

Niue lb months old. ea new. Moisionter Norton. alt. Free engine.

Tartlet Mandl- I. tioa. Genuine bargain. £42 Dpea. Mielsomor Norton.

Weakly Ultima cd Bath tOI Nevoid oa dab every botazday Moran as liulllaso, (astral Nomagoass. al. lima Lwow amp be obtained every ovacias. sail the Nimbly akacios oa ilaterdays. Jelly.

Newsagent sad Tobacconist. Meow awns. nectrz ie ol imi tr i gil 115. yams alma. gar.

diL 4.171 unman mous. INTERNATION tIATON. The maim al tie 'kiwi Waso WSW iiiiiiiS IMAM 1 km woo la THE Ages llfly 0 Nolly Ossely 0 0 Bybee Maims Tyllealas Niehtys SWIM fib I Iseserles Olt 0 a 1 Obis 0 1 Wells a 150... 1 II lassmehl 4 Illikebeseyb 1 a II Ileadirga RIM aa 1 Orneidomi 1 a II Neerisset Illysidesea 111yea. 4 a 1 Ones II a a II RIM UM 4 Dubs Omit 1 Wisheide 0 1 Branawille Mho 0 0 OlslslYie IL Id" eq.

1 1 MINS '1 a 1 ZnAkellill RemS a 1, Shyest 0 Lob OW 1 me aft 1 OD 5 Ihus laistalts 5 0 a 0 ismlnimit Hasa .1... 4 Mold 0 1 Psoluelleeli 1 1 1211tes 11 as INselpel Dmir issaSsr l. Wykalhollue MAK 1 a 1 0 a Musk 011 0 a II Illashilas OW alb WO 1. Lip SOUTHERN LEAGUE Ihelee 3 a Pak 1 1 Peelemelle 1 1 0 0 1111221114 WM 4 Gillkibiae Wad La Vaned 0 Ilselessylna 0 0 Welled 1 fowl losiksiness I me Imes 4 Omestry Olh 0 Owed RahnS 1 Mph I 0 adobe Shwa a 0 1 1110LANW LEAGUE Deiemiese Rood 1 Iludywough Tom 0 Melllys Ryas Coe mau wades ethesby Tows "ems II 011ikeldi Tows Walkup Tema Oyelkilee4 Tow Lisle OW Pia 1 Tort Ct 000000 e.e.141•41•.....•••• 1 Saab 1 Oshubseseil Reehseless 11111hOmehr.Semer 2 ll, 6.00 trallt 1 aa Da I SOUTII-USTIM LMIIL Nehlyl 1 Olden HAL WESTERN LIAM BRISTOL CHARITY" LIANA. 0 a lidliWa0011119.11■0•••• 841 4 BATH AND DISTRICT I (Far "The Oath 010 Trewidin Aft Ileselsed 01110.1111 4 follhol 13ir a 4 OW fir Sup.) AbedlF a.

aa a a. 4 5 IN. Thinds 041 Dem 0 112,221 4 Ilk- At (Fe! gaie) IL Faithlhei Ws A ft IMO 1 OS Mk 4147 Peng.

Somerset Guardian and Radstock Observer from Radstock, Avon, England (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.